Notes and Thoughts

The keeping of a second brain


Physics Needs Philosophy, Philosophy Needs Physics


Those who deny the utility of philosophy, are doing philosophy.

The origins of this idea arises from the background of logical positivism.

The process of science: data -> methodology -> theories.

Philosophy deals mostly with the methodology (how do we do science? what is the most effective way of doing science?). Scientists who think that philosophy is not needed have a misconception that the scientific methodology and conceptual structure is / has been unchanged, or that we have found the final, best methodology, which makes them less open to conceptual flexibility in the future.

Throughout history methodology has evolved considerably. An analogy: doing science is like a sailor who must rebuild his own boat while sailing.

This is a different view from [shut-up-and-calculate]), though it seems like Shut Up and Calculate only talks about the link between methodology and theory.